e-mail address: office@logsol.at
mobile number: +43 664 4051250
landline number: +43 2234 72956 200

Mag. (FH) Mathias Past, CMC

Mag. (FH) Mathias Past, CMC
e-mail address: office@logsol.at
mobile number: +43 664 4051250
landline number: +43 2234 72956 200
Mathias Past is founder and CEO of Logsol. Founding his own company had been a possible option for his professional career during his studies in the degree program „Logistics and Transport Management“. After completing his studies, he chose to go into business for himself in September 2008. The continuous development of his company “Logsol” required a lot of effort. Meanwhile, the business consultant employs 10 people at his office, located in Moosbrunn (Lower Austria).
From August 2006 to February 2007 Mathias Past spent a challenging semester abroad in Helsinki (Finland) and was able to gather valuable experiences, insights into other cultures and to establish international contacts.
In addition to his university education, Mathias Past has had extensive training and experience in firefighting. Doing this he has learned at an early age to take on responsibility, to organize himself and to lead people in difficult situations.
In 2020 Mathias Past was awarded with the “Certified Management Consultant (CMC)” certificate, which is recognised in over 50 countries. The CMC certificate, granted by the international council of management consulting institutes (ICMCI), represents the strongest seal of quality worldwide and documents top quality in consulting.
Voluntary commitment is an important concern for Mathias Past. He has been a member of the voluntary fire brigade since 2001 and has held various management functions since 2003. Since 2011 he has been a member and since 2019 a supervisory board member of the executive committee of the Junior Chamber Lower Austria and since 2015 a member and since 2020 a chairman of the committee for the section management consulting, accounting, and IT of lower Austria.
In addition, Mathias Past has been working as an external lecturer and supervisor for master theses at the BFI University of Applied Sciences in Vienna since the academic year 2011/2012. In the newly developed course “Application Projects in Transport and Traffic” he supervises and supports students working on real consulting projects for partner companies such as OMV, Hofer, checkrobin or the Austrian Post.
Mathias Past has also been a member of the supervisory board of Raiffeisenbank Region Schwechat since 2018.